Main phone number: 01754 897000

Email Address:

Lines open at 8am for appointments

Patient Information

Here you will find any information relevant to you as a patient – please click the links for more information

Communication consent form

Please complete the online form below to receive updates from the practice by text or email.

Compliments, Concerns and Complaints

Compliments We are always really keen to hear positive feedback from our patients so please do let us know when something has gone well for you so that we can ... [continue] Compliments, Concerns and Complaints

Data protection

Beacon Medical Practice maintains computer and paper-based files that make up your personal and confidential medical record. Your Clinician is responsible for their accuracy and safe-keeping. Please help to keep ... [continue] Data protection


GDPR Privacy Notice v2.5 june 2022 Please download a copy of the GDPR Privacy Information Notice for Patients.

How does my GP share my Information with other Health services?

How does my GP share my information with other health services I’m using Staff at your GP practice may use your information to help them to deliver more effective treatment to ... [continue] How does my GP share my Information with other Health services?

How GP Practices use your information

Your healthcare history We collect and hold information that includes information about you, your health and the treatment and advice that we provide. Sometimes information may be recorded about your ... [continue] How GP Practices use your information

How to register

Beacon Medical Practice are currently accepting new patients at all three of our Surgeries. Update: 18/05/2023 – You can now register online: We are using a new online service that ... [continue] How to register

Named GP

As part of a new contractual requirements, all patients including children, registered at a GP practice are allocated a named accountable GP. The named accountable GP is responsible for the ... [continue] Named GP

Other policies

Freedom of Information Act The Freedom of Information Act 2000 recognises that members of the public have the right to know how public services are organised and run, how much ... [continue] Other policies

Patient behaviour

We expect our staff to treat patients with courtesy and respect, and in return, we expect our patients afford the same treatment to staff members. The vast majority of our ... [continue] Patient behaviour

Patient confidentiality

All our staff are bound by a strict confidentiality policy and receive a very high standard of Information Governance training before commencing work at Beacon Medical Practice. All patients’ records ... [continue] Patient confidentiality

Patient rights and responsibilities

We aim to treat our patients courteously at all times and expect our patients to treat our staff in a similarly respectful way. It is your responsibility to keep your ... [continue] Patient rights and responsibilities

Practice area

Our Practice area covers approximately a 10 mile radius centred on Skegness, including of course Skegness, Ingoldmells, Chapel St Leonards and surrounding villages at the east coast of Lincolnshire. How ... [continue] Practice area

Updating your details

If you change name, address or telephone number, please let our receptionists know by calling or writing to us. Alternatively you can complete the online form. If you move outside the ... [continue] Updating your details

Using this website

The medical information on this website, and on any sites linked to from this website, gives general advice only and SHOULD NOT be used as a substitute for the personal ... [continue] Using this website

Your rights

When your doctor collects and keeps your information, they follow the principles and values set out in the NHS Constitution and they only use it for your benefit. Can I ... [continue] Your rights

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 14th December, 2021