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Patient Participation Group

We welcome you to the webpage of the Beacon Medical Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG). Please find out more in the sections below.

The purpose of the PPG is liaise between patients and the practice. It is designed as a forum to discuss the wider issues of running the practice and for introducing new ideas and initiatives. It is not designed to deal with individual problems between doctor and patient.

Patient Participation Group is made of practice staff and patients that are representative of the practice population. The PPG should be seen as the conduit between the practice and the patients on topics which are likely to lead to a better service with ideas coming from patients and the practice. Beacon Medical Practice promotes the proactive engagement of patients and seeks views from practice patients through the use of local practice surveys. The outcomes of the engagement and the views of patients are published on this website. Remember the group exists to help you express your views and your comments and suggestions will be valued.

Patients from our three surgeries have formed an Executive Committee. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) has agreed a formal Constitution, and has elected Officers. The Committee and Officers are to stand for one year, following which an Annual General Meeting is held. Nominations and elections are held and all patients are eligible to attend and vote. And of course we are always looking for people to help! If you are interested in taking part in our Patient Participation Group, please either complete the online form, or leave your contact details with Reception and they will be forwarded to the PPG Chair Person.

Please read this and JOIN US!

The current Executive Committee of the Patient Participation Group consists of the following elected Officers:

Mr David Cargill – Vice Chair Person
Mrs Vicki Leighton – Practice Manager

For more information, please visit the National Association for Patient Participation website.

If you wish to see previous Agendas or Minutes, please contact us on to request them.   It would be helpful if you could write in the subject heading area ‘PPG minutes request’.  Thank you.

Friends and Family Test

Tell us about your recent experiences of our service.

Join our PPG

What is a Patient Participation Group (PPG)? A group of registered patients and practice staff who meet frequently to discuss and make decisions about the practice and how it is able...

Patient Feedback

‘The importance of feedback is not what we collect but what we do with it’     Feedback from patients helps us to see what you really think about the...

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 11th September, 2024