Main phone number: 01754 897000

Email Address:

Lines open at 8am for appointments

Your rights

When your doctor collects and keeps your information, they follow the principles and values set out in the NHS Constitution and they only use it for your benefit.

Can I see my health records?

You have the right to see information your GP practice holds about you. They may charge for this. Please ask them about this.​

Can I opt out of my records being shared, now and later?

Your GP practice will record your preferences about how you would like them to use your information and with whom it can be shared.​ You can choose not to make your information available for sharing when you register with your GP practice or when speaking to any healthcare professional who wants to view your  Records.  However, it could mean health professionals caring for you may not have all the information they need to allow them to provide fast, effective and safe care for you.


If you would like to opt-out or discuss further then please talk to your GP or the healthcare professional supporting you.

If I’m concerned about information sharing in the NHS who can I speak to?

If you would like more information about how your GP collects and holds your information, you can ask to speak to your practice’s Caldicott Guardian’s representative; this is the person who ensures that your practice looks after information according to the Data Protection Act.


Date published: 12th February, 2019
Date last updated: 23rd June, 2021