We have a number of ways in which you can order
your repeat prescription at Beacon Medical Practice:
Repeat Slip– The easiest way to order your medication is still to fill in your repeat slip and post it in the box outside your practice. You can do this even if we are closed.
Telephone– Once registered, you can use Patient Partner to order your repeat medications by calling 01754 897 000, option 1, option 1. This is available 7 days a week. If you wish to sign up for this service, please call our friendly reception team who can set this up for you over the phone.
Online– Once registered, you can use SystmOnline or NHS App to order your repeat medications 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. If you wish to sign up for this, please let us know by sending us an email to: licb.c83019@nhs.net
In Person– Attend the surgery in person and speak to the receptionist on duty to order your repeat prescription.
By Post– Simply pop your Repeat Slip in the post to us, marking it for the attention of ‘Prescription Department’.
Did you know?
*You can order your repeat medications up to 7 days in advance.
*In most cases you should allow 2 working days for your prescription to be processed, pharmacy dependent.
*Receptionists are only permitted to order medications when you provide the full and proper name of the item.
Nominate a pharmacy of you choice
Please nominate a pharmacy you would to collect your prescription from.
Medication reviews
We have a duty to review your health and medicines regularly. We will let you know if you need to make an appointment for a medication review with a clinician.
If you need urgent advice about your medication outside our surgery hours, please call NHS 111.
Medication queries
If you
- have a query or are concerned about your medication
- would like to request an acute medication
Please contact the surgery on 01754 897000 and choose option 3.
Should you require advice or prescriptions outside surgery hours urgently, please contact your local pharmacy or call 111.