Main phone number: 01754 897000

Email Address:

Lines open at 8am for appointments


Throughout December we experienced an extremely high rate of patients not attending their appointments.
It is difficult to put a specific figure on what this costs the Practice, but we are sure you will see from the following numbers, how big the issue is becoming.
December GP appointment DNA = 56 appointments
December Nurse & HCA DNA = 320 appointments
DNA – Did Not Attend
This morning alone, we have had 1 GP appointment wasted and 6 Nurse/HCA appointments wasted.
We would like at least 24 hour’s notice, but we know this is not always possible, so, try and let us know at least 1 hour before your scheduled appointment time. Letting us know as soon as possible, gives us the best possible chance to rebook another patient into the time slot.
If you cannot call the surgery, or the wait times are high, please be aware that you can cancel appointments using your SystmOnline account. You can also cancel through the NHS App, and the new Airmid app – which provides you with existing SystmOnline functionality plus lots more!
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Date published: 14th January, 2025
Date last updated: 14th January, 2025